Bytový nábytek Nastavitelná židle pro velké děti na čtení

  • Bytový nábytek Nastavitelná židle pro velké děti na čtení
  • Bytový nábytek Nastavitelná židle pro velké děti na čtení
  • Bytový nábytek Nastavitelná židle pro velké děti na čtení
  • video
  • ergofuns
  • Fujian
  • 8-30 dní
  • 8000 sad za měsíc
1. Dělené opěradlo: Dětská židle na čtení má design děleného opěradla, který umožňuje nezávislé nastavení výšky. To pomáhá podporovat správné držení těla tím, že poskytuje dětem vynikající podporu beder a zad. 2.Importovaná technologie Mesh Fabric: Opěradlo je vyrobeno z dovezené technologické síťoviny, která nabízí výjimečnou prodyšnost a pohodlí. Udržuje děti v teple v zimě, v létě chladí a poskytuje měkký a příjemný pocit pro pokožku pro optimální pohodlí. 3.4D otočné skládací područky: Nastavitelná dětská studijní židle je vybavena 4D otočnými skládacími područkami, které lze nastavit a složit podle potřeby. Područky poskytují dodatečnou podporu tím, že drží lokty, a skládací konstrukce zajišťuje pohodlí, aniž byste se dotkli země. 4. Gravitační samosvorná kolečka: Velká dětská studijní židle je vybavena gravitačními samosvornými kolečky, které zajišťují stabilitu během používání. Když dítě sedí na židli, kolečka se automaticky zablokují, aby se zabránilo náhodnému pohybu nebo sklouznutí, což poskytuje bezpečnější uživatelský zážitek.

Home Furniture Adjustable Big Children Reading Study Chair


The kids reading chair features a split backrest for independent height adjustment, promoting proper sitting posture and providing excellent lumbar support.Crafted with imported technology mesh fabric, the chair offers breathability, ensuring year-round comfort for children.Equipped with 4D rotating folding armrests, the chair provides customizable support and convenience.With gravity self-locking wheels, the chair guarantees stability and safety during use.Experience the comfort, functionality, and safety of our children's study chair for optimal learning.



  • Split Backrest


The split backrest design allows independent adjustment of the upper and lower parts, catering to the height and needs of each child. This design helps maintain a correct sitting posture by providing excellent support to the child's lower back and spine. By adjusting the height of the backrest, we ensure that children maintain the proper sitting position during their study sessions, reducing discomfort and fatigue.The split backrest feature of our children's study chair not only offers comfort and support but also helps children develop good sitting habits. Having the right sitting posture is crucial for the health and learning efficiency of children. Therefore, our study chair prioritizes this aspect, providing children with the best learning experience. Whether at home or in a school environment, our children's study chair is the ideal companion for their learning and growth.

  • Imported Technology Mesh Fabric

The backrest of kids reading chair is made of imported technology mesh fabric, ensuring a year-round comfortable experience for children. This special mesh fabric material offers excellent breathability, allowing air circulation and keeping children feeling refreshed and comfortable during their study sessions. Whether it's the cold winter or the hot summer, the technology mesh fabric provides a warm and cool sensation, ensuring children's comfort at all times.Furthermore, the technology mesh fabric is soft and skin-friendly, offering a gentle touch for children. They can sit comfortably on the study chair, enjoying the soft and skin-friendly feel, relieving any discomfort that may arise from prolonged sitting. This skin-friendly feature creates a comfortable and pleasant learning environment for children, enabling them to focus on their studies and unleash their full potential.

  • 4D Rotating Folding Armrests


The furniture children study chair is equipped with 4D rotating folding armrests that can be adjusted and folded according to individual preferences. These armrests offer support for children's elbows, ensuring additional comfort and stability during their study sessions. Whether they are writing, reading, or using a computer, these armrests provide ideal support, relieving the strain on their arms and shoulders.The innovative folding design allows the armrests to be easily folded, offering convenience and flexibility. When children require more space or freedom of movement, they can fold the armrests, creating a spacious learning area. Additionally, this folding design ensures that the armrests do not touch the ground, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

  • Gravity Self-Locking Wheels

The children reading chair is equipped with gravity self-locking wheels, which automatically lock when children sit on the chair, ensuring stability during use. This design prevents the chair from accidentally moving or sliding, ensuring the safety of children while studying.The gravity self-locking wheels offer excellent stability, even when children frequently move or change their sitting positions. When children need to adjust their study position or move the chair, the wheels automatically unlock, allowing them to make the necessary adjustments. Once children sit back on the chair, the force of gravity relocks the wheels, maintaining the stability of the chair.



  • Chair Length: 50cm

  • Chair Width: 60cm

  • Chair Height Adjustable: 76-105cm

  • Cushion Height Adjustable: 35-65cm

  • Color : Blue / Pink

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